Mould testing services are available on request should they be required. Air and surface samples are taken throughout the affected premises and then sent immediately to our Laboratory Provider.
Mould Werx only uses NATA (National Association of Testing Authorities) accredited facilities to carry out Laboratory testing in order to ensure your results are a true and genuine representation of the Indoor environmental conditions of your premises.
Whilst we do provide this service for our clients, we only recommend testing if you have a serious illness for which you have not otherwise been able to identify the cause.
Mould testing with accredited facilities can be very expensive and often unnecessary. The money you may spend on testing is usually more than the actual cost of resolving the issue.
Some mould companies will try to pressure you into having testing done as they regularly provide scary test results, giving you the impression you are going to be extremely ill if you don’t have a treatment done straight away.
These companies do not use accredited NATA facilities.
Think for a second, if a tiger comes into your home. Do you ring the Zoo and have them come out and identify what sort of Tiger it is? No, you just know it’s not good for your health and you want it gone.